Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The cow who woke up the neighbours

Everyday the sun shone its way into his darkness

Everyday the demons were killed

There were heroes who fought

Re-incarnated when he was slained

The war was not decided

Though the battles were names after the kings

Some called them after historic heroes

Some called them David and Goliath

Some called them legends

But with the end not decided

Warriors were born

Warriors were slain

Warriors are remembered

Though they themselves didn’t know what the fight was all about

They just had to die to kill to live

The war was long

Some youth died of age

Supplies were short

Living was the other possibility

But pride was the ground of this war

Retreat was a taboo

Even the horses had to be eaten

The bones now made as a weapon

All the remained was a cow and his generation

Who was responsible to wake up his armies at the rise of dawn

He gave orders to his followers to feed the soldiers with milk

So that weakness was never a word in their ground

What would the king have done without his territory

Without a cow who played a role in his war !!!

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