some time back i used to think of a bizarre state of existence. alone, from anybody else, surrounded just by the horizon, at the top of the mountain, with the sky as the ceiling and an eagle as the neighbour. critics of the free thought movement can always have a go at slaying any thinking beyond whats written and what they call is true. cant blame anyone, this is the game, co-existence is the key. but i feel sad that people dont tend to believe that with your eyes closed, sometimes there's more than you can see with your eyes open.
i came back from work at 8am. night shift has changed me a lot. i like what i am and i hope people dont mind what i have become. i consider myself as a good man. i have walked on this planet for 28 years, 9 years in delhi. its an amazing place. i believe its very addictive. though i havent been to many places around but i never felt the need to move anywhere else. when i am away from it, i miss it.
such is is such !!!